Strange things you do not know about UFOs
Surveys generally show that almost half of people believe in UFOs, and about 5% believe they have seen them at some point in their lives. The fact is that most UFO reports have been improper identification of natural phenomena, especially bright stars and planets, meteorites, lightning, etc., or human phenomena such as aircraft landing lights, balloons, test aircraft, or in some cases hoaxes. However, there are a few observations that have not been easy to explain or have had an impact on society that have eventually become part of the space myth.
1) The first book by the author to use the term UFO was Donald E. Keyhoe, published in 1953 as Flying Saucers from Outer Space.
2) Between 1947 and 1969, 12,618 reports of sightings of space creatures were recorded in the Project Blue Book. The project was a space creature research organization based at the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. To date, 701 of these observations remain unknown.
3) At first it was thought that space creatures were just UFOs, but later the US Air Force coined the term UFO in 1953 for any unknown flying objects.
4) Most scientists consider the flow of space creatures as extraterrestrial visitors very unlikely. They say that while this is not impossible, it does not deserve research.
5) The Peruvian Air Force has reopened a space creature research bureau due to an increase in reports of unusual aerial phenomena. The Air Phenomena Research Group (DIFAA), established in 2001, has been closed for five years.
- Most flying objects listed as UFOs have been named “UFOs” after being identified as terrestrial objects for some time.
The modern age of space creatures began in 1947, exactly when pilot Kenneth Arnold reported observing nine disc-shaped jets over Matt Rainer Washington. A reporter named them UFOs and the term entered the public mind.
7) More than half of all space creature reports from the late 1950s to the 1960s were recorded by U2-equipped reconnaissance flights over the United States.
8) Area 51, also known as Dreamland, is said to have been derived from the poem of Edgar Allan Poe of the same name. Warns that even though you are traveling, you may not have the courage to see it, its secrets have never been revealed, it will be closed to the weak human eyes.
9) Most films about space creatures fall into one of two categories: 1) films that show these creatures as invading aliens in which humanity must fight (for example, an alien film made in 1979) or 2. Movies in which these creatures are high-tech space angels who make friendly efforts to help humanity (for example, the 1989 film The Abyss). There is a third type, which is less common and includes movies in which aliens help aliens.
10) The Aetherius Society is probably the most well-known and well-organized branch of space creatures. The organization was founded in 1954 by George King. King claimed to have taken command of the interplanetary resources, and he is the voice of the space parliament.
11) An old idea about the existence of UFOs is that they came to Earth in the past as “ancient astronauts”.
12) In 1967, British authorities surveyed six UFOs in a complete line in the south of the country, which turned out to be a joke by engineering students.
Most people are not aware that the sight of unidentified lights in the sky dates back to more than a century ago when the first UFO was spotted. It all started in November 1896 when an unknown mysterious light traveling at a speed of about 50 kilometers per hour was seen by hundreds of Californians. It was spotted again the following week, this time in San Francisco, and by the end of the year, there were hundreds of reports of it being spotted across the Pacific coast.
After a two-month absence again in the winter of 1896-97, a mysterious object resembling a cigarette in black was observed by some people. It was reportedly spotted in Nebraska to Michigan and Minnesota to Texas in April 1897, when it suddenly disappeared. Although these events have generally been rejected by today’s critics, the large number of reports, which numbered close to a thousand, could not have been storytelling and media lies.
Some suggest it was an early balloon that flew years before the Wright brothers built the aircraft. Its terrestrial nature is more likely than its extraterrestrial nature, and it provides evidence of the emergence of a new emerging technology. Or maybe it was a helicopter that was moving, a helicopter in 1897? Whatever it was, it remained a suspicious event.
A UFO is a spacecraft
The first UFO sighting occurred in 1947, when a businessman named Kenneth Arnold claimed to have seen a group of nine strange objects at high speed near Mount Rainier as he steered his small plane. .
In popular culture, the term UFO refers to a spacecraft, but its definition includes any unknown aerial objects.
UFO sightings have been reported many times throughout history and around the world, always with the question of whether there is life on other planets and in other parts of the world.
The first UFO sighting occurred in 1947, when a businessman named Kenneth Arnold claimed to have seen a group of nine strange objects at high speed near Mount Rainier as he steered his small plane. . Arnold estimated that the flying object could travel several thousand kilometers per hour. When the sighting of these UFOs increased, in 1948, the US government began researching them.
About UFOs
There is a term among engineers called “signal to noise ratio” which is the difficulty of receiving the actual signal (sounds passing through telephone lines) and receiving them among all the extra and annoying sounds which is the same noise. In the case of UFOs, the signal-to-noise ratio is very deep and unattainable and therefore not audible.
Of course, the general theme of the story is unrelated to man’s attempt to travel to space. If a human being wants to make a UFO or a spaceship, then he must make the device he needs, and it does not matter if it has already been made by others or not.
It is not true to say that we may learn things by reading stories about UFOs, space creatures, and UFOs. First, the problem of “signal-to-noise ratio” has not been solved, and even if the stories are true, they only apply to science-fiction. Science-fiction topics are useful in that they can give you a mental picture of the issue at hand so you have a clue to get started. Even if the UFOs are really true, which is a bit ambiguous, and we have videos of them, it still won’t help much.
UFO sightings
Although the extraterrestrial hypothesis failed, scientists and engineers such as Jenn Hynek (an astronomer) concluded that a small fraction of reliable UFO reports were clear evidence of extraterrestrial presence on Earth. Haynck set up an institute called UFO Studies to continue research on these observations.
With the exception of the Blue Book project, only official, written records of UFO sightings were kept in Canada, which were transferred from the Canadian Ministry of Defense to the National Research Council of Canada in 1968. Canadian records included about 750 sightings of these unidentified objects. Other, if not less, records are held in the United Kingdom, Sweden, Denmark, Australia and Greece.
In the Soviet Union most of this research is done by military-related work. UFO sightings in China have also been mixed with military research and have not yet been made public.
UFOs in Iran
Main Articles: Observation of Unidentified Bird Objects in Iran and Unknown Bird Objects in the Sky of Tehran (1976)
In the new era when the wave of flying saucers peaked, the name of Iran was among the countries from which not only a considerable number of reports were transmitted, but also a number of important reports from the viewers of the existence of flying saucers in Iran. In the meantime, one of the reports was more important: an unidentified flying object that was seen in the morning of September 19, 1976 (September 28, 1976) in Tehran. According to a report of this incident, which was published on August 31, 1977 (1977), at 12:30 midnight on September 19, telephones were fired from the Shemiran area to the Iranian Air Force, during which an unidentified flying object was reported on the horizon. North is reported. Minutes later, the watchtower of Tehran’s Mehrabad Airport confirmed the presence of the crime on its radar, and a fighter jet immediately followed it.
The story of UFOs in Iran was quiet for several years, until the beginning of the last two years, with the observation of luminous objects in some cities, the story began again. The first reports started from Marzanebad and then Babylon and Meshkinshahr; Where the light bulbs could not only frighten the residents, but also cause a lot of damage. This phenomenon, which was also observed in some countries of the world, was quickly investigated and the result was soon known. Bullet casings, which is a rare but well-known phenomenon. Of course, in the case of Babylon, a kind of geophysical energy discharge was the main cause of the accident, but Meshkinshahr not only marked the end of the story of the lightning bolts, but also the beginning of the new UFO season.
In 1952, in Washington, DC, the control room of the Washington National Airport (modern-day Reagan Airport) spotted several targets on its radar with bright light on the horizon. The incident took place over the two weekends between July 13 and July 29, to which even the president reacted.
The government made the Robertson Panel responsible for reviewing it. Robertson, a leading scientist who was a member of the UFO Study Committee, spent two days studying UFO information previously collected by the Air Force in a book called The Blue Project Book. They did not reach a specific conclusion and this event has remained a mystery to this day.
UFO, or the unidentified flying object, also known as the flying saucer in Persian, includes aerial phenomena that the observer can not immediately identify after observing them and say, for example, that he has seen a plane or UAV.
There are various theories that German authorities succeeded in building advanced spacecraft or real UFOs before and even during World War II. According to information obtained in the post-war period, many efforts were made to preserve this equipment, and the Nazis practically hid them in underground shelters in the Antarctic and South America.
If such reports are true, various code names and categories have been provided for Nazi UFOs, the most important of which are Rundflugzeug, Haunebu, Hauneburg-Gerät, or Vril.
Numerous narratives from the 1950s also suggest an interesting connection between the historical developments of the Germans during World War II and the strange issue of UFOs. For example, in such narrations, the development of specialized engines such as Repalsin by the Austrian philosopher and inventor Victor Schaberger is specifically mentioned. You may be surprised, but these claims have become so powerful that they have found their way into fictional as well as non-fiction media such as video games or documentaries.
– The Third Reich captured the New Swab region in the Antarctic, and in 1938 arranged an expedition to lay the groundwork for later plans.
– The Nazi forces recorded extensive research in the field of missile technology, flying technologies, engine systems, as well as saber innovations.
Allied forces thought that observations of UFOs in the sky during World War II, such as fighter jets (a term used by Allied pilots to refer to UFOs or any other strange air object over the skies of Europe), were a game. The new enemy is to harm them through electromagnetic mechanisms (technology similar to today’s electromagnetic weapons such as electromagnetic bombs).