The effects of science and technology on human health – benefits and harms
In recent decades, the advancement of technology has helped mankind and has been able to solve many of his problems and make his life easier. This has increased the audience’s acceptance of these technologies and the efforts of activists in this field to advance and improve the technologies as much as possible.
Technology has affected many aspects of human life, and this can be deduced from comparing the lifestyles of today’s humans with those of a generation or two decades ago; In such a way that today technology has become intertwined with the fabric of people’s lives and has changed the way of life in general. These changes have made it impossible for human beings to imagine their lives without technology.
Although modern technologies have greatly improved the course of human life, they also pose a threat to their users. It can be said that technology, like other issues, has advantages as well as disadvantages; For example, one of the threats that technologies such as cell phones and computers pose to humans is the negative impact on physical health.
Technology is valuable to all people of the world. However, the development of various technologies and the expansion of their use has not been harmless and in some cases has posed great risks to human health. Here are some examples of the negative effects of technology on human health.
We humans have invented and developed technologies to change our lives in the best possible way. At present, these technologies affect every moment of our lives. One of these technologies is robots, robots are new human models, and according to many predictions, it is ultimately the robots that will control our world. We are still looking for a way to use technology to get into our bodies, the goal of this technology is human blood and emotions, and we can say that we have almost achieved this goal.
In business, the use of artificial intelligence, cloud computing, machine learning, predictive analytics, and business intelligence tools has given us new ways to run, operate, and manage our businesses. Advances in cloud computing, cloud storage, artificial intelligence, and machine learning are examples that show that soon our bodies will be connected to these technologies and we will see data related to human activities live.
The development of inventions and technologies has caused many positive and negative changes in our lives. New technologies and inventions are the result of our curiosity, creativity and problem-solving techniques. What if we can not improve ourselves every day? Of course, the development of technologies must be done in a way that is environmentally friendly and humane. Technology should be a positive part of life, not a productivity killer.
But now we look like humanoid robots, and that’s the biggest change technology has ever made in our lives. Technology can be found in the air, water, food, education, business, office, electricity, marketing, data storage, communications, cars, parking, travel, shopping, banks, and more. These technologies have taken over almost everywhere and cover all aspects of our daily lives. Technology is the kingdom of which man is a slave. But a clever and wise slave can impose his opinion on the king.
Do you know what you think about when you wake up in the morning? For example, how do I improve my writing? How do I market my products? How can I earn more? How can I have the life I want? How do I achieve my goals and aspirations and how do I improve the world? Technology can help us achieve all of these goals. In addition, there are thousands of other businesses and people who are ready to help you using the Internet. You just have to search and find them. You can find products that have been created to change your life on the Internet or anywhere else. Almost all companies talk about change in their advertising and use technology to target you.
For example, how can you change the world with 7 new habits? How to change your life in 30 days? How to add 1000 hits to your website by buying a specific product? This is the effect of technology on our thinking, communication, habits and social activities. We rely on technologies to help us, and technologies help us in good and bad ways.
Smart phone stress
Do you feel a little stressed and anxious? Scientists have studied the relationship between smartphone use and stress in various studies. Today, people are constantly working with their smartphones and checking the messages and information that are sent to them.
This subconsciously causes stress in humans. Therefore, put your smartphone in silent mode or control it every few hours to both relax your body and reduce stress.
Cell phone use and acne breakouts
The body of cell phones is often home to various bacteria, and when you put it on the skin of your face, it absorbs the fat on the skin of the bacteria. The result of these conditions can be unwanted pimples on the cheeks or chin. You can use handsfree devices to talk as far away from your face as possible.
BlackBerry thumb
The BlackBerry thumb is a real complication. Constant use of the small and magical joystick of BlackBerry phones can cause thumb injury and tendon inflammation. In situations where the injured finger can affect the user sending the message, the resulting pain is also excruciating.
Waves emitted from mobile phones
Mobile phones emit rays that are absorbed by the user’s body. Although various scientific studies have not proven the harmful effects of cell phone radio waves, the growing use of this device has raised concerns.
Cellular disease
Researchers say cell phone researchers can be infected with a variety of microorganisms that can cause infections. Unfortunately, it is not possible to use disinfectants or wash cell phones, but hand washing is still a simple and effective way to reduce the risk of disease.
Mobile phone and the occurrence of an accident
Talking, texting, or checking emails with a cell phone while driving can be very distracting. Such activities affect brain function and reduce road focus. Even the use of hands-free devices can create similar conditions. Therefore, do not use your mobile phone while driving.
Allergies and cell phones
Cell phones, like pollen or animal hair, can cause allergies. When a cell phone comes in contact with the skin of the face, an allergic reaction known as “dermatitis” may occur. Send an SMS.
Crazy phones!
Studies have shown that some users have experienced “tremors.” In this case, the user thinks that the cell phone in his pocket or bag is shaking, but when he checks his cell phone, Everything is normal.
Computer and wrist pain
People who constantly use computers and keyboards may develop carpal tunnel syndrome, which is one of the causes of wrist pain. To prevent this, you need to rest your hands while typing. Also, the keyboard should be below the wrists so that the wrists do not bend upwards.
Computer and back and neck pain
Using a computer does not only end in wrist pain, and improper body position when working with computers can also lead to back and neck pain. Therefore, the correct sitting position in front of the computer is very important.
Laptop burns
The heat generated when working with laptops can increase the risk of skin burns if it is in contact with parts of the body for a long time, especially in uncovered areas.
Laptop headaches
Increased pressure on the eyes by staring at a computer screen for long periods of time can cause headaches and blurred vision. Therefore, you should consider short breaks when using your computer.
Laptops and sleep problems
Using laptops until the late hours of the night can lead to sleep disorders. Screen lights can reduce the release of “melatonin”, which helps people sleep, resulting in insomnia, so stop using devices such as computers or tablets before going to sleep and instead Replace reading a few pages of the book.
Loss of attention due to the use of Facebook
Facebook has made it possible to meet new friends and increase the number of virtual friends. But according to researchers, the use of this social network can affect brain activity, which can eventually lead to attention deficit disorder. Therefore, consider being in the company of real friends more and reduce the time you use Facebook.
Internet and creating anxiety
Many people turn to the Internet to identify and diagnose their pain and illness. But you should keep in mind that the Internet is not your personal doctor, and dependence on these conditions can further increase anxiety about people’s health status. Refer to experts instead of using the Internet.
Headphones and crash occurrence
With the increasing popularity of headphone use, the number of pedestrian accidents using this device has also increased. Professional examples of headphones have the ability to reduce or eliminate ambient noise, which increases the risk of accidents.
Headphones and hearing loss
Listening to music through loud headphones can lead to hearing loss. Hence, always listen to your favorite music at a safe sound level.
Biological effects of social media use
According to some researchers, continuous and long-term use of social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and تواند can have negative biological effects on the human body. Hence, replacing real-world interactions with virtual world examples can kill you.
Health, the blessing we have, we are unaware of its importance!
Health is a blessing that many people in society are deprived of and people who enjoy this blessing are unaware of its importance and do not try to maintain their physical and mental health, because of the hardships that losing this blessing can bring with them. They do not know well or do not understand such situations. These people may live with the assumption that if they get sick one day they can regain their health by seeing a doctor, but in today’s society many diseases are not yet available to them by medical science and may even lead to Death of people.
The use of technologies and technologies that are found in abundance in society involve different parts of the human body; For example, when using a computer and laptop, a person involves their wrists, back, brain, and eyes, and when using a phone, the fingers and neck are subject to a lot of pressure. Long-term use of such technologies can lead to physical injuries.
On the other hand, some people have to use such technologies constantly, for example, people who work in banks, offices and Internet businesses are required to spend many hours of the day sitting in a chair and using There are computers and laptops.
In the meantime, people should learn strategies to prevent damage to their physical health and do it during their working hours to prevent the wear and tear of their bones and muscles in the body for a long time and maintain their health.
The impact of technology on life encompasses everything from small purchases to the training needed. Our lives have undergone changes from the beginning until today. Humans have always strived to change lives in the best way possible with the spread of technology. Technology can be found everywhere in a way that sometimes makes life impossible without them. They even push technology into habits, behaviors, communication and other activities.
The role of technology in life sometimes goes so fast that we do not even realize it. Technology has had a great impact on people’s lives, which we will describe below.
Changing communication channels
Today, despite the proliferation of computers, laptops, phones, and communication channels have made a difference. Call tools have become video calls in various applications, with these tools we will be able to communicate with others around the world.